Luxury Canvas Print

A canvas print with floating frame gives an element of luxury to your photographs.

Presented in one single ‘wow’ image or a gallery wall collection, you will love your photographs from every angle due to the matte finish of your canvas print. Printed with the highest quality inks, and canvas material and finished with custom framing, your canvas artwork will last a lifetime without cracking or fading.

Our canvas prints are a highly sort after product that features comfortably in a modern home featuring a lot of natural light windows that often create large reflections in traditional framed prints.

Traditional Framed Print

The tradition of framing photographs is elegant and timeless,  a beautiful addition to any home.

Our traditional frames have a modern twist with slimline frame featuring at the front view, and 30mm depth to the wall.

Frames are custom made and can have an acid-free, neutral white, mat board surrounding your print, or print to the edge of the framing. Gallery wall collections can even have a mix with some frames featuring a white surrounding mat, and others to the edge.

A single standout feature photograph, or gallery wall collection, the options are endless and we will show you during your appointment how your artwork will look on your wall. We provide you with instructions on how to photograph your chosen walls in your home to create a virtual view of your room with your artwork showing on it.

Don’t be scared, hang your gallery like a pro

All wall art gallery collections arrive directly to your home safely by our courier.

You will receive the custom gallery template, “how-to” instructions, and fittings needed to hang your artwork safely for brick or plaster wall. You will need a drill suitable for your wall, masking tape and spirit level.